it's just turning...

my way to waste my time at home when there is nothing much to do
(la manera como gasto mi tiempo en casa cuando no hay nada que hacer)

stripes t-shirt... gray bandana as scarf, blue pants, gray pumps, red bag and sunglasses.
(polo a rayas, pañoleta ploma, pantalon azul, tacos plomos, cartera roja y lentes)

I ♥ NY t-shirt, black vest, mini jean skirt, gray pantyhoses, black ankle boots, red handbag, black belt with bow in the front side and black sunglasses (polo I♥NY, chaleco negro, mini de jean, pantis plomas, boines negros, cartera roja, cinturon negro con rozon, lentes negros)
I♥NY t-shirt (again) mini jean skirt (again), sunglasses , gray pantyhoses and my lovely RED BOOTS ( polo I♥NY, mini de jean, lentes, pantis plomas y mis bellas botas rojas)
black tank , sweater (white and red) belt with bow , red bag, jeans, flats , sunglasses (polo negro, chompa(blanca&roja) cinturon con rozon, cartera roja, jeans, ballerinas y lentes)
now i have to cook pasta...i love it... i add it bacon, parmeggiano cheese, some herbs and butter, its actually a bag of fat .. too many calories , but after eating "spaghetti alla jimena", its good to drink lemonade without sugar (obviously)
i am wearing the first outfit...

(ahora voy a cocinar pasta, me encanta, le agrego tocino , queso parmesano, tomillo, mantequilla, realmente es una bolsa de grasa, muchas calorias, pero despues de comer "spaghetti alla jimena" es bueno tomar limonada sin azucar ( obviamente)... estoy usando el primer outif)