destination: love

i have 3 days free ... it's a little boring ... i have to figure out what i will do... SOWING ...yeah that's for sure
so today i am wearing my self-made black dress's made of jersey fabric ...with my brown cardigan, black tights, boots, white scarf , bow in my hair and my vintage handbag... obviously my new sunglasses too.
i visited my grandma and i was delighted to see her old TEA SET... its so beautiful ... its actually for coffee :P but its lovely.
now i'm listening to my music i always get inspired with those songs ... they actually make me dream...... ☻
(tengo 3 dias libres, no se que hare, creo que coser. hoy estoy usando el vestido negro de jersey que me hize con mi saco cafe, pantis negras, botas, chalina blanca, rozon en mi pelo y mi cartera vinage, obviamente mis lentes nuevos tambien. visite a mi abuelita y me encanto su juego de te que tiene, es tan vintage ...ahora estoy escuchando mi musica, siempre me inspiro cuando escucho esas canciones, realmente me hacen soñar....☻)

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