beautiful morning

9am: i just woke up some minutes ago and i got ready to go out ... later i have an important meeting and obviously this is not what i will wear
it's hotttttttt!!!!
17:02 : i just came back... busy day... i did visit my grandma and i think she is so sweet, she always give me chocolates and today she cooked for me ...some fried potaoes with cheese and lettuce salad was delicious..
today i am wearing topytop dress, flipflops, self-made animal-print bag (not that one in the pic, i changed, and bow earrings...
(9am: me levante hace unos minutos y me aliste para salir, mas tarde tengo una reunion y obviamente esto no es lo que voy a usar.. hace calor!!!
17:02: acabo de llegar. visite a mi abuelita y me dio chocolates, tambien me preparo comida, papas rellenas de queso fritas y con ensalada de lechuga ... mi nonna es tan linda
hoy visto vestido de topytop, chanclas, bolso animal-print hecho por mi, (no el de la foto) y aretes de rozón)

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